Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Kurkuma dalam Kunyit Mencegah Diabetes

Selain sebagai bumbu dapur, kunyit ternyata berpotensi kuat mencegah diabetes berkat senyawa aktif dalam kunyit, yakni kurkuma. Sebelumnya kurkuma juga diketahui efektif membunuh sel kanker dan sebagai antimikroba.

Kurkuma mampu melawan inflamasi dan reaksi oksidatif yang merusak sel-sel tubuh. Kedua proses tersebut diketahui ada dalam berbagai penyakit, termasuk diabetes tipe dua. Dalam penelitian selama 9 bulan, diketahui orang yang mengonsumsi suplemen ekstrak kurkumin satu dosis setiap hari bisa terhindar dari penyakit diabetes.

Penelitian yang dimuat dalam jurnal Diabetes Care itu melibatkan 240 orang Thailand yang menderita pradiabetes, suatu kondisi di mana kadar gula darah mereka melebihi normal namun belum termasuk diabetes. Jika tidak diatasi pradiabetes bisa menjadi diabetes.

Para responden dalam penelitian ini secara random diberikan kapsul kurkuma dan plasebo atau kapsul yang tidak memiliki zat aktif.

Setelah 9 bulan, sekitar 19 dari 116 orang dari kelompok plasebo menderita diabetes tipe dua. Sementara dari kelompok yang mendapat kurkuma tidak satupun menderita diabetes.

Karena penelitian ini dilakukan dalam periode yang singkat, maka para pakar diabetes menyatakan belum bisa menyimpulkan apakah ekstrak kurkuma layak dikonsumsi setiap hari. Meski konsumsi ekstrak kurkuma dalam bentuk suplemen belum dianjurkan, namun kita tetap bisa mendapatkan manfaat kurkuma melalui masakan berbumbu kunyit.


Common Mistakes In Gym

Bodybuilding by weightlifting if done wrongly is a sure recipe for injuries. Sometimes even painful and permanent injuries that will derail your bodybuilding program. This article will address the common injury prone mistakes bodybuilders make in their quest to build a fit and muscular body and how to avoid those weightlifting injuries.
Many people who workout in gyms complain about backaches and they blamed it on their desk bound jobs sitting in front of the computer at long stretches of time. Perhaps they are right. Then why is it that more bodybuilders have backaches when compared to their non gym going colleagues?

Aren't those people who lift weights are supposed to have stronger back muscles to support their musculature and should be less prone to backaches? I think you are getting the drift. Many bodybuilders suffer from common weightlifting injuries that they don't even know it.
Many people actually think that if they do not suffer any pain when they are lifting weights, they are not injured. I want to debunk this bodybuilding myth right now. You see, many weight lifting injuries are very often sustained over a period of time.
It is because of the wrong weightlifting form being repeated over and over through many training sessions that cause the wear and tear of joints, tendons, cartilages and muscles. Many injuries do not just occur immediately or overnight like the weights dropping on your toes or painful muscle tear during your lifts.
Therefore executing your weightlifting movements in the correct form and techniques not only help your muscles to grow big and fast, it is also crucial to prevent bodybuilding injuries.
Common causes of injuries can also be attributed to lifting weights that are too heavy or that the bodybuilder who may be sick, and yet headed for the gym when his condition is not optimum for handling the weight he usually lift as he is in a physically weakened state.
So when the weights are too heavy or you are too weak to lift the weights you usually do, you are forced to cheat by swinging the weights up using momentum and lowering the weights by using gravity.
These movements not only waste your time in the gym as they are definitely not helpful in helping you build muscles. They will cause injuries.
An example of a common exercise done in the wrong form and a recipe for injuries is the common barbell curl.
Barbell Biceps Curl - This exercise is perhaps the most commonly executed in the wrong form and causing injuries that people don't even know why they are injured. In every gym, you will see people swinging their barbells with their body rocking thru and fro in the movements.
The rocking movement places tremendous stress on the shoulder joint which is the most unstable joint in the human body and the lower back. Over time, the shoulder joints and lower back will pay a heavy price for the wrong form and technique used during the lift.
Other common bodybuilding exercises which are often wrongly executed are the lat pull down, bench press, leg extension, military press and list goes on.
So the next time when you have backache or joint pain, don't blame it on other causes if you are a bodybuilder and that you lift weights often. Just reflect on the weightlifting exercises you are doing and examined them as to whether they are the cause of your injuries.
Better yet, hire a personal trainer or a bodybuilding book with picture illustration and description to learn how to lift weights in the correct form and technique to prevent common and serious weight lifting injuries.

Top 10 Food Additives to Avoid

Half the time we have no idea what we're eating, and even the most simple sounding products and meals can end up including all kinds of strange and unusual additives that can have a number of effects on our health. They enhance the appearance and the taste of our foods yes, but they can also raise cholesterol, cause allergic reactions, lead to diabetes or increase risk of cancer. The discerning consumer then must use their common sense and take the time to check the ingredients on any foods they buy so that they might be able to avoid the worst of these additives. Here's what to look out for...

Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are often promoted as a good thing as they often take the place of harmful sugars. However the problem with them is that they can fool the body into thinking it's getting normal sugar and this then causes an insulin spike resulting in us using up all the sugar that's already in our bloodstream, in turn causing us to feel deflate and lethargic and often causing us to crave more sugar from other sources.

High Fructose Corn Syrup
However the worst kind of artificial sweetener has more serious problems and has been found to cause us to pack on pounds faster than any other ingredient – being the number one source of calories in America as well as being a cause for many cases of diabetes. It's found in most processed foods, but try to avoid it as much as possible.

Trans Fats
Trans fats are added to a large number of foods as a preservative which extends a product's shelf life. However, while these fats are technically unsaturated, they have all the negative qualities of saturated fats and seriously increase our bad LDL cholesterol even in low amounts. Very important to avoid.

Food Dyes
Food dyes have long had a bad rap. Remember when people started saying that blue Smarties were accused of causing cancer? Well that's because they contained one of the unhealthy food colorings (while it won't cause cancer as such, it will increase your chances of developing it very marginally). Studies have also suggested that some other food dyes might cause a reduction in IQ, kidney damage and more. The ones that you should try to avoid include E133, E124 and E102.

Sodium Nitrate
This form of salt is added to foods as a preservative, a flavouring and a coloring (turning unappealing looking meat red), but it has been shown to be a carcinogen in animals, leading of course to concerns that it might also increase the risk of cancer in humans. So bad is sodium nitrate actually that the government has tried to ban it – unfortunately though this lead to complaints from food manufacturers who claimed they didn't have any alternative way to preserve packaged food.

BHA and BHT, or 'E320', are preservatives that are designed to prevent foods from losing their color appearing rancid over time. However they may cause nerve damage in the brain and result in behavioural and mood changes such as depression.

Sulphur Dioxide
Found on raw fruit and vegetables in particular, these additives can lead to bronchial problems and hypotension as well as potential allergic reactions. It also destroys vitamins B1 and E in the body and isn't recommended for consumption by children or those with asthma, bronchitis or other breathing or heart difficulties – watch out for 'E220'.

MSG or Monosodium Glutamate is one of the most well-known food additives to avoid. It's a food additive used to enhance flavors, but unfortunately it is also an 'excitotoxin' meaning it can 'over excite' cells ultimately causing damage or death. Side effects might include depression, disorientation, fatigue, headache, obesity or eye damage. It is found largely in Chinese food, as well as chips, cookies, seasonings, frozen foods and lunch meats.

Laughter Therapy

You may have heard the saying 'laughter is the best medicine', and while most of us would agree that laughter certainly often makes us feel better, few of us probably took this so literally as to actually think it could be prescribed as a form of medicine...
However, while your doctor is admittedly unlikely to recommend you to laugh away your aches and pains, you might be surprised to learn that 'therapeutic laughter therapy' is nevertheless a form of therapy that many people subscribe to and find very helpful. Here we will look at what it is and how it works.

Types of Laughter Therapy
Actually there are various forms of laughter and therapy and there are various schools of thought that have happened upon the positive influences of a hearty laugh.
Humor Therapy
One popular form is known as 'humor therapy' which involves group sessions that use humorous materials such as books, shows, movies, stories, cartoons and more in order to stimulate laughter. At the same time the practitioners are then encouraged to discuss their own humorous experiences and to dissect what it was they found funny about them etc and this is overseen by a clinician. While humor therapy can help participants to forget their troubles and help to promote positive emotions, a weakness of the process is that difficulty can be found in finding materials that everyone in the group find funny. The problem is that humor is a very personal thing and different people will find different things funny. Other people have difficulty laughing in such settings if they feel 'forced' or self conscious. The clinician meanwhile must be sensitive enough to make the distinction between laughing 'with' clients and laughing 'at' them.
Laughter Therapy
Laughter therapy is a slightly different form of therapy where the clients are treated on a more individual basis. Here the clinician will find the clients' specific 'laughter triggers' which are the things that make them laugh. This will then be used to build a 'humor profile' and the patient will be taught basic exercises that can help to teach the individual the importance of relationships and social support while providing them with laughter as a 'tool' to help them deal with emotional stress.
Laughter Meditation
While it is not a form of therapy, a related process is 'laughter meditation'. Here the individual is taught something similar to regular meditation, but the goal is to achieve laughter and to focus on the moment. The process involves stretching, laughing or crying along with a meditative silence. Many people however struggle to cause spontaneous laughter or crying and cannot laugh without the use of stimulation.
Laughter Yoga
Laughter yoga is again similar to its traditional counterpart and involves a combination of breathing with yoga, stretching and laughter. Laughter exercises last around 30 to 45 minutes and this is then used as both a psychological tool and a form of exercise. Laughter clubs are laughter yoga but practiced in a club format. Again some people struggle with the concept of 'forced' laughter.

Benefits of Laughing
Of course these forms of laughter therapy are reliant on the benefits of laughter and on its therapeutic effects. Freud postulated laughter as a 'relief' of 'psychic energy' and tension and this is where the origins of laughter as a form of therapy lie. This was Freud's explanation for how we can use laughter as a coping method for anger or sadness and many would agree that laughter can indeed be used as great stress relief. It's not uncommon to hear people say they've 'got to laugh, or else [they'd] cry'.
Recent studies have since demonstrated a physical link between laughter and health – both physical and psychological. These include for instance the fact that laughing can help to activate the ventromedial prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain that produces endorphins (AKA the 'happiness hormones'). In this sense laughter can be used as a form of antidepressant that's natural and that doesn't have any negative side effects. This makes it useful as a way to treat yourself for depression and other conditions. Endorphins are also analgesics and can this way help to lessen physical pain.
Likewise laughter has the benefit of increasing blood flow. It achieves this by causing the dilation of the inner lining of the blood vessels which lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow. Thus laughter therapy could in theory be used in order to treat heart conditions and high blood pressure. At the same time laughter has been shown to help reduce the stress hormones of 'cortisol' and 'epinephrine' which would further cause it to improve our mood and to help reduce high blood pressure.
Laughter also increases the number of antibody producing cells and increases the effectiveness of T-cells and through this mechanism it is able to improve the immune system and help to prevent various conditions. Lastly laughter is also a great workout, and if you've ever laughed so hard your stomach hurts then you'll know just how good it can be for your abdominal muscles.

The Many Harmful Effects of Stress

Stress is not just something that makes us feel nervous and edgy; it is a real concern for our health and well being. Studies have shown that people who suffer from high levels of stress are prone to many illnesses and psychological disorders. Researchers have been trying for years to determine what makes some people more "tightly wound" than others and to date the only explanation seems to be based on each individual’s capacity to handle everyday stressors. Some people are good at remaining calm in the most extreme situations, while others are very quick to become upset about the smallest details. Following are just some of the harmful side effects of stress.
Stroke and Heart Disease
There has been a link made over the past decade or so between stress and certain disorders of the cardiovascular system. Many people who suffer from high levels of stress for prolonged periods of time have later been diagnosed with heart disease or suffered from strokes, and even hypertension. Stress causes your heart to work over time because you are so wound up all the time that you don’t even give yourself a chance to enjoy life. In addition, stress causes an elevated heart rate and can cause your arteries to constrict which could lead to a number of issues. While there are other causes for heart disease, such as smoking and excessive drinking or substance abuse, stress is among one of the main causes.
Depressive Disorders and Anxiety
People who show a higher level of sensitivity to stress have been found more apt to develop certain psychological issues such as anxiety disorders or even severe depression. When you spend all of your time worrying about everything under the sun, your state of mind is compromised because you do not have the ability to just relax and let your guard down. Chronic stress in itself is a very debilitating disorder but the onset of a more serious psychological issue can be quite a challenge to treat in a person who cannot handle stress. Many people are prescribed anti-stress and anxiety drugs each year and of those people at least 50% of them go on to experience other, more serious complications if the treatment they are receiving for stress is ineffective.
Weight Changes
Because people have many different methods of dealing with stress, one of the main side effects of stress can be extreme fluctuations in weight. Some people may eat much more when they are stressed out causing them to gain massive amounts of weight. Conversely, some people have absolutely no appetite when they are stressed out. These people can become unhealthy due to a lack of nutrition, or they can cause their body’s metabolism to change in negative ways. In addition, stress has been directly linked to a significant increase in belly fat because of the stress hormone called cortisol. These weight problems can lead to a variety of other issues such as eating disorders.
Difficulty Sleeping
Most of the time people who suffer from disorders such as Insomnia, also suffer from high levels of stress. The two seem to go hand in hand and many studies suggest that treating the stress itself may in turn treat the sleep disorder. The first question a doctor may ask a patient who comes to see him/her with sleep issues will almost always be about the amount of stress present in that person’s life. Not only is a lack of sleep dangerous to everyday activities but because the body heals during the process of sleep, not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to your health. The trouble with this effect of stress is that it is almost a catch 22. If you don’t sleep enough your mind will not have the ability to handle everyday stress triggers and if you cannot handle stress well, you won’t sleep well.
Loss of Memory and Focus
People who suffer from chronic stress may experience difficulty concentrating or staying on task. Studies show that many people who report trouble concentrating also have indicated high levels of stress in their lives. Losing focus can be a very bad thing, especially if you work in an occupation that could bring harm to yourself or others if you are not on target 100% of the time, such as driving a bus, flying a plane, or even operating heavy machinery. It is also quite troublesome to constantly forget details about your everyday life. Stress can have a major impact on your ability to remember things like appointments, when bills are due, and even when to take your roast out of the over so it doesn’t burn.
Chronic Fatigue and Pain
Anyone who suffers from some sort of chronic pain, like that associated with arthritis or back injuries will have a heightened sensitivity to their pain as a result of stress. Headaches are also seen to be associated with stress in some cases, hence the term "tension headache". Not only does stress cause your existing pain to feel worse in some cases, but it can also cause you to feel pain because your muscles tighten up so much when you are stressed out. This could lead to neck pain, as well as joint and even lower back aches.
Stress is also linked to things like ulcers and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. While there is no direct cure for stress, there are some things that a person can do to eliminate some of the stress in their life. If there is some outside source for the stress such as a person or relationship, it may be a good idea to eliminate that particular stressor from your life altogether. If you are suffering from major stress on the job it may be a good time to ask for a vacation. There are a lot of mental exercises a person can do to help alleviate stress. Sometimes all it takes is a nice long bubble bath with some scented candles burning in the bathroom. Other times it will entail completely removing yourself from a situation that has been known to cause you stress. No matter what the case, if you are suffering from high levels of stress, speak to your doctor or another healthcare worker to see what your options are.

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Mencegah Bau Mulut Selama Puasa

Salam Ramadhan kawan bloggers.Mudah-mudahan di bulan yang penuh berkah ini kita selalu diberi rahmat dan pahala oleh-Nya.Amin..
Kali ini saya ingin berbagi tips nih  para bloggers tentang Mencegah Bau Mulut Selama Puasa.Langsung disimak ya kawan bloggers.

mencegah baumulutMelakukan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan, kita harus menahan lapar dan haus. Saat kita menahan lapar dan haus, ada satu gangguan yang biasanya dihadapi oleh orang yang melakukan puasa ini, dan gangguan itu adalah bau mulut atau yang disebut halitosis. Nah, jika bau mulut mulai menyerang, otomatis rasa percaya diri akan berkurang. Jika Anda mengalami hal ini, ada beberapa tips sederhana yang bisa membantu Anda untuk mencegahnya. Selain orang yang berpuasa, kegiatan ini juga bisa dilakukan oleh orang yang mengalami gangguan bau mulut.
Kegiatan mencegah bau mulut ini sangat sederhana dan gampang, serta secara bertahap dapat membantu Anda mengurangi halitosis Anda. Dan berikut adalah beberapa tips sederhana untuk mencegah bau mulut selengkapnya yang bisa anda lakukan.
Yang pertama, cara paling gampang adalah menyikat gigi dengan teratur, terutama setelah makan dan sebelum tidur. Dan bagi yang berpuasa, sesudah sahur dan buka, dan sebelum tidur. Saat melakukan sikat gigi, selain menyikat gigi, ada bagian lain yang harus disikat, yaitu bagian lidah. Anda bisa menggunakan pembersih lidah, untuk menghilangkan plak dan makanan yang terjebak di lidah. Akhiri kegiatan menyikat gigi Anda dengan membilasnya dengan obat kumur atau air biasa.
Jika Anda menderita kerusakan gigi, abses gusi dan gigi bengkak, Anda harus selalu berkonsultasi dengan dokter gigi, untuk mendapat penanganan. Karena  kerusakan gigi, abses gusi, dan gigi bengkak, adalah salah satu penyebab bau mulut.
Cara mudah yang lain, untuk mencegah bau mulut adalah dengan mengunyah peterseli. Dan baiknya, dikunyah setelah makan. Peterseli ini mengandung klorofil, yang baik untuk penyegar napas.
Anda juga bisa meneteskan minyak peppermint langsung di lidah Anda, atau menggunakan minyak ini pada saat menggosok gigi bersama dengan pasta gigi Anda. Atau, memilih pasta gigi yang mengandung minyak peppermint ini juga bisa digunakan. Minyak peppermint ini, mempunyai sifat antibakteri yang dapat membantu dalam memerangi bakteri penyebab halitosis.
Berhenti merokok adalah salah satu cara lain agar bau mulut tidak terjadi, karena merokok dapat menyebabkan bau mulut.
Agar terbebas dari bau mulut, Anda harus menghindari makanan yang dapat menyebabkan bau mulut seperti bawang putih, bawang, kubis, rempah-rempah tertentu, dan kopi.
Mulut kering, atau xerostomia, merupakan salah satu faktor utama bau mulut. Cara mydah agar bibir tidak kering adalah banyak minum air putih dan makan buah segar yang banyak mengandung air. Atau saat puasa sudah berakhir, kunyah permen karet bebas gula dapat membantu memproduksi air liur lebih banyak, yang bisa mencegah bibir kering.
Cara sederhana tersebut bisa digunakan untuk mencegah bau mulut  agar tidak mengganggu percaya diri anda saat berpuasa ataupun setelah melakukan puasa.

Itulah artikel tentang Mencegah Bau Mulut Selama Puasa.Mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa berguna bagi kawan bloggers yang membacanya.

Mengungkap Manfaat Daun Kaki Kuda

Salam kawan bloggers,kali ini saya ingin berbagi artikel nih tentang Mengungkap Manfaat Daun Kaki Kuda. Langsung disimak ya kawan bloggers.

Dalam literatur Cina tercatat seorang herbalis (ahli tanaman obat) bernama Li Ching Yun. Ia meninggal pada usia yang fantastik, 256 tahun dan meninggalkan 23 istri. Resep rahasia umur panjangnya ternyata karena ia rajin mengkonsumsi minuman tradisional yang bernama Fo Ti Tieng. Selidik punya selidik, ternyata Fo Ti Tieng ini sejenis minuman tradisional yang terbuat dari berbagai herba yang didominasi oleh daun kaki kuda.
Makanya jika ada yang meminta nasehat kepadanya tentang resep umur panjang, dipastikan jawabannya sederhana saja : Banyak-banyaklah makan daun kaki kuda. Daun Kaki Kuda memiliki nama latin Centella Asiatica. Di daerah tertentu ada yang menyebutnya antanan, pegagan, kakai kuda, pangugu, cowot gompong, gagan-gagan, bobolo, penggaga, kelai rolo, kolotidi manaro, wisu-wisu, hisu-hisu, dogauke, gogouke, sandaran, antanan gede, pegaga, kerok batok, cipubalawo dan lain-lain.
Ciri tanaman ini ramping dan menjalar, tidak berbatang dan mempunyai panjang 10-80 cm. Daunnya mirip emping, ginjal atau payung dan akan terasa pahit jika dicicipi. Anehnya, tanaman ini termasuk tanaman liar yang Padahal tanaman ini mempunyai khasiat yang istimewa. Di tempat asalnya, Madagaskar dan India, tanaman ini dibudidayakan secara besar-besaran. Mereka mengambil ekstraknya dan mengimpornya ke berbagai negara. Tetapi di Indonesia, petani sering dibuat jengkel karena keberadaannya.
Cabangnya bisa tumbuh dengan pesat, berumpun, tambah lama tambah luas hingga bisa menutupi semua lahan. Khasiat daun kaki kuda memang telah dibuktikan oleh para ibu sejak jaman dahulu. Mereka meminum air rebusan daun kaki kuda untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan luka setelah melahirkan. Berbagai gangguan kulit juga dapat disembuhkan berkat ekstrak daun kaki kuda, antara lain lepra, TBC kulit, kanker, peradangan kulit, selulitis, keloid, eksim, gatal-gatal, luka bakar ringan dan sedang, serta luka terkena benda yang tajam.
Sebuah studi farmakologi menunjukkan bahwa kandungan zat asiatikosida yang terdapat dalam daun kaki kuda berkhasiat untuk merangsang, menguatkan dan memperbaiki jaringan kulit, rambut dan kuku (kartnig, 1988). Selain itu, khasiat daun kaki kuda juga bersifat anti infeksi, antiracun, penurun panas, peluruh air seni, antilepra, antiviral, memperkuat struktur jaringan tubuh, jarang dibudidayakan sebagai tonik untuk otak dan anti kanker.
  • Ambil satu atau dua lembar daun kaki kuda. Cuci bersih.
  • Lumatkan dengan tangan.
  • Tambalkan pada luka.
  • Khasiatnya adalah menghentikan pendarahan pada luka dan menghentikan infeksi parah.
Ada pemanfaatan yang unik dari tanaman ini. Di daerah Pasundan daun kaki kuda dijadikan sebagai lalap. Di Srilangka lain lagi, ada masakan yang terbuat dari daun kaki kuda yang diberi santan. Di sana daun kaki kuda memang memiliki peranan yang cukup penting bagi kesehatan dan kecantikan. Buktinya ada pepatah di Srilangka yang mengatakan : “Makanlah daun kaki kuda, walaupun hanya dua helai dalam sehari.

Itulah artikel tentang Mengungkap Manfaat Daun Kaki Kuda.Mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa berguna bagi kawan bloggers yang membacanya.

10 Faktor Penyebab Pria Jadi Mandul

Salam kawan bloggers,kali ini saya ingin berbagi artikel nih tentang 10 Faktor Penyebab Pria Jadi Mandul.Langsung disimak ya kawan bloggers.

10 Faktor Penyebab Pria Jadi Mandul - Infertilitas atau gangguan kesuburan bukan hanya masalah perempuan tapi juga laki-laki. Ada beberapa faktor yang bisa menyebabkan gangguan kesuburan pada laki-laki yang bisa menyebabkan kemandulan. Apa saja itu?

Dalam waktu 50 tahun terakhir, diperkirakan kesuburan laki-laki telah menurun sekitar 2 persen per tahun. Sebagian besar gangguan kesuburan pada laki-laki ini disebabkan oleh pilihan gaya hidup yang salah.

Para ahli mengungkapkan bahwa ketika suatu pasangan mengalami infertilitas, maka sepertiganya disebabkan oleh perempuan, sepertiga disebabkan oleh laki-laki dan sepertiganya bisa disebabkan oleh keduanya.

Penyebab ketidaksuburan pada laki-laki bisa disebabkan oleh genetik, tapi ada juga yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup. Berikut ini adalah beebrapa hal yang bisa meningkatkan risiko laki-laki menjadi tidak subur (infertil), seperti dikutip dari FoxNews, yaitu:

1. Gangguan genetik
Sebuah mutasi genetik bisa menghilangkan lapisan karbohidrat di sekitar sperma sehingga mengurangi mobilitasnya. Jika laki-laki mewarisi dua mutasi genetik dari ibu dan ayahnya, maka kondisi ini akan membuatnya sulit menghamili pasangan.

2. Obesitas
Memiliki tubuh obesitas atau pun kelebihan berat badan membuat tubuh menjadi tidak sehat sehingga mempengaruhi fungsi dari setiap sel yang ada di dalam tubuh termasuk sperma.

3. Pekerjaan
Beberapa pekerjaan bisa mempengaruhi jumlah sperma seperti pelukis, tukang las, tukang bangunan, supir dan beberapa pekerja kantoran yang terlalu banyak duduk karena membuat suhu di skrotum meningkat.

4. Penyalahgunaan alkohol
Laki-laki yang menjadi seorang pecandu alkohol akan memiliki sel-sel normal yang 30 persen lebih sedikit di dalam air maninya.

5. Masalah seksual
Beberapa gangguan seksual yang dimiliki oleh laki-laki seperti ejakulasi dini atau disfungsi ereksi bisa membuat laki-laki sulit membuahi sel telur perempuan.

6. Merokok
Salah satu dampak negatif terbesar yang mungkin dirasakan oleh laki-laki perokok adalah motilitas sperma.

7. Kekurangan gizi
Untuk memiliki sperma yang sehat, maka dibutuhkan asupan zat gizi seperti vitamin C, zink, vitamin E dan beta karoten yang cukup.

8. Terpapar zat beracun
Sering terpapar zat beracun seperti yang terkandung dalam pestisida atau cat timbal bisa merusak sperma.

9. Menggunakan ganja atau narkoba
Laki-laki yang menggunakan narkoba seperti ganja atau yang lainnya bisa mengurangi jumlah total dari sperma serta volume dari air mani yang dimilikinya.

10. Sering memangku laptop
Jika sering menggunakan laptop, sebaiknya diletakkan di meja atau menggunakan pelapis, karena memangku laptop bisa meningkatkan suhu di skrotum yang mempengaruhi kualitas dari sperma.

Itulah artikel tentang 10 Penyebab Pria Jadi Mandul. Mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa berguna bagi kawan bloggers yang membacanya.